
The colab brand sprint is a compact, intense activity designed and built to lead your team through a brand redesign, refresh, or simple refocus in about 3-6 weeks.


The colab brand sprint is a compact, intense activity designed and built to lead your team through a brand redesign, refresh, or simple refocus in about 3-6 weeks.

Brand Sprints for edu 2.0

A complete guide to brand sprints for your institution


What's it for?

You have an established brand that's a bit tired. Your creative team tries their best to stay true to the brand but the pantry is getting a little empty. Each cycle sees them return to the core brand for inspiration but the low-hanging ideas have been picked.

Or, you're tasked with creating a sub-brand for a new school or institute, or you need to build a brand extension for a new campaign. How might you build on and extend the current brand to support this new initiative?


Or maybe the current brand needs an update to be competitive but you're between strategic plans, or time and resources just aren't on the table right now. A brand sprint can do all of these things in a fraction of the time it typically takes.

How does it work?

Using a mix of offline and online modes, activities are designed to maximize focused work while minimizing disruptions. Team members should expect to allocate 8-10 hours per week to sprint activities.

The brand sprint will empower your team to enhance current brand components, develop new components to reach new audiences, and answer these questions:


Gather research, subject matter expertise, evaluate peer brand strength and personality

How is the current brand performing? Is our research relevant, or should we fill in the gaps? Who can inform our process with subject matter expertise? What specific challenges will we overcome?

Current Brand

Understanding your current brand space, exploring opportunities

Who is our brand reaching now, and what audiences can we reach to achieve institutional objectives? What specific brand elements are performing well, and what can we build while staying true to our mission? How is our brand perceived relative to our peers? What opportunities can the brand strategy map illuminate?

Future Brand

Imagining a better brand: what to keep, discard, build

How do our attributes stack up against our peers, and which ones must be enhanced, or created, to achieve a compelling advantage? What personality traits can be surfaced to resonate with our audiences? Which traits should be raised or lowered for each audience in our communications?

Prototype and Test

Test your new brand with audiences and learn

What themes and visual elements should we create to represent the brand for testing? How might we test our new brand in real-world scenarios?

Adapt and Grow

Build/extend brand through project of team's choice: campaign, brand platform, whatever suits their outcome needs

All of your questions have been answered! Now the team is ready to extend their learnings and build new brand elements.

What do you get?

Every sprint is meticulously documented and captured in a Sprint Summary. The team can use the sprint results to develop brand assets for their specific objectives, which can include the following: (colab can assist in the co-creation of these assets as requested)

Content/Messaging Strategy

School/Institute Brand Platform

Enrollment/Advancement Campaign

Updated Styleguide/Brandbook

Updated Brand Platform

Brand Agility Platform

What does it cost?

Brand Refocus




Perfect for discovering new brand-aligned themes and attributes for marketing communications across the institution.


Brand Refresh




Use a Blue Ocean framework to explore new audience opportunities, and update your brand pillars and personality traits to create messaging that connects.

Brand Redesign




An extensive review of your current platform, audiences, and peers will be followed by a rebuilding of your brand platform, including personality traits and tone.